Amazing~한 주절거림

구한말의 시장, 생활 및 풍속, 한국기행 2_(Markets, life and customs of the Late Joseon Dynasty, Korea Travel 2) 본문

Amazing History(역사관)

구한말의 시장, 생활 및 풍속, 한국기행 2_(Markets, life and customs of the Late Joseon Dynasty, Korea Travel 2)

친절한이웃 kindfriend 2022. 1. 22. 22:22

우시장(cattle market)

구한말의 우시장의 모습, 월6회 장이 들어섰고 고기맛이 일품인 것은 평양소였는데 이것을 구하러 지방에서도 몰려왔다 한다. 

(It is said that the appearance of the cattle market at the Late Joseon Dynasty period, the market opened 6 times a month, and it is said that Pyongyang beef was the best meat, but even the provinces came to buy it.)

청일전쟁 이 후 많은 일본인들이 조선으로 건너왔는데 이들은 바늘, 가위 등의 생활 도구를 파는 행상질을 주로 했다. 혹은 약을 가지고 시골 등지를 돌면서 파는 이들도 많았는데, 이들을 '왜약장수' 라 했다. 장사를 하다 보니 조선말도 곧잘 했으며, 돈벌이도 제법 괜찮았다 한다. 

이들 중에는 특정 지방에 그대로 눌러붙어 살게 된 사람들도 더러 있었다 한다. 일종의 귀화인!

(After the First Sino-Japanese War, many Japanese immigrated to Joseon, and they were mainly peddlers selling tools for living such as needles and scissors. Or, there were many people who took medicine and sold it while traveling around the countryside. As he was doing business, he spoke the Korean language very well, and it is said that he made good money.

It is said that some of these people were forced to live in a specific region as it is. A kind of naturalized person!)

갖가지의 도자기를 파는 '도기시장' 이다.

여러가지 잡기로 애용되었던 도자기들을 노천 장바닥에서 파는 모습이다.

(It is a 'pottery market' that sells various kinds of pottery.

It looks like pottery used for various catches is sold on the open-air floor.)

2단으로 된 선반에 망을 쳐서 만든 닭장은 '어리' 라고 불렸으며 이것은 그대로 지게처럼 짊어 지고 운반할 수 있도록 되어 있다.

어리위의 계란도 보인다.

(A chicken coop made by meshing a two-tiered shelf was called 'Eori', and it can be carried and carried on the back like a fork.

You can also see the egg on the fly.)

어린아이들도 어리를 매고와 장바닥에서 닭을 팔고 있다.

(Young children are also carrying chickens and selling chickens on the market floor.)
